
Looking for resources on sustainable agriculture? Learn more about the ancient agricultural technique that is intercropping. Below you can find articles, scientific publications and other materials from our project.

Scientific publications

Stone et al. 2024

Food system strategies to increase cereal-legume intercropping in Europe and across diverse landscapes

Practice-oriented publications

Factsheet #1

A community-based decision support system for legume-cereal intercropping

Factsheet #2

Impact of legume-cereal intercropping on insect pests, weeds and diseases

Factsheet #3

Overcoming obstacles to create a market for legume-cereal intercrops

Factsheet #4

Dynamic Innovation Partnerships for uptake of legume-cereal intercropping

Factsheet #5

Intercropping in Egypt: Challenges and opportunities

Factsheet #6

Optimal intercropping partners for conventional cultivation

Factsheet #7

Sowing time as crucial factor for successful intercropping

Factsheet #8

Challenges of establishing wheat-legume intercropping in semi-arid regions

Factsheet #9

The soil microbiome: A key driver of plant health in intercropping

Factsheet #10

Go intercropping – the most promising legume-cereal mixtures for Polish farmers

Factsheet #11

Cereal microbiome in monocropping and intercropping

Factsheet #12

Benefits of intercropping to improve soil health and agricultural productivity

Factsheet #13

Effect of legume-cereal intercropping on nitrate leaching

Factsheet #14

Marketing of grain legume-cereal intercrop produce to animal suppliers

Communication material

This section features all LEGUMINOSE communication material, including infographics, posters and roll-up banners, brochures and press releases.

Roll-up banner

Provides a quick visual representations of what the project is about.​

A1 poster

Provides a quick visual representation of what the project is about.

Press release (EN)

Written by our German partners at ESCI in December 2022.

Press release (PL)

Written by our Polish partners at IAPAS in December 2022.

Press release (IT)

Written by our Italian partners at UNIFI in December 2022.

Press release (ES)

Written by our Spanish partners at UPA and CSIC in February 2023.

Press release (EN)

Written by our Danish partners at AU in March 2023.

Press release (CZ)

Written by our Czech partners at Agritec in June 2023.

Press release (IT)

Written by our Italian partners at CIA Toscana in July 2023.

Press release (ES)

Written by our Spanish partners at UPA and CSIC in September 2023.

Press release (IT)

Written by our Italian partners at CIA Toscana in September 2023.

Press release (ES)

Written by our Spanish partners at UPA in January 2024.

Infographic: Research field map

Discover our seven research fields across Europe.

Infographic: Project structure

Discover the different topics and areas of our project.

Infographic: Benefits of intercropping

Discover the benefits of legume-cereal intercropping.

Infographic: SWOT analysis

Discover the strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities of intercropping.

Infographic: Strategies for intercropping

What changes need to happen for intercropping to become more widespread?

Press release (ES)

Written by our Spanish partners at UPA in May 2024.

Press release (ES)

Written by our Spanish partners at UPA in Nov 2024.

Videos and interviews

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Towards a Greener Future

Shamina Imran Pathan on Sustainable Agriculture Practises

Preserving Biodiversity

Norman Gentsch on Intercropping

Cultivating a Sustainable Future

Jim Rasmussen on Intercropping Benefits

Innovations in Agriculture

Magdalena Frąc on Intercropping Research

Sowing the Seeds of Change

Tom Sizmur on the Future of Agriculture

Optimising Agriculture

Jerry Alford Introduces Legume-Cereal Intercropping

Public deliverables

This section features reports and deliverables published by LEGUMINOSE.

You didn‘t find what you are looking for or have any questions?

Please, contact our project or communication managers